Cherise Saywell
Cherise Saywell is the winner of the Pin Drop Short Story Award 2017 with Morelia Spilota. She has published two novels, Desert Fish (2011) and Twitcher (2013) (both Vintage). Her short stories have won the Mslexia Short Story Prize and the V.S. Pritchett Prize and been shortlisted for several awards, including the Bath Short Story Award and the Asham Award.
Her story ‘Pieces of Mars Have Fallen to Earth’ was selected for BBC Radio 4’s Opening Lines in 2015. Cherise’s stories have been published in Mslexia, The London Magazine and New Writing Scotland, as well as in several anthologies. She was the Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Stirling University in 2015-2016 and now runs writing workshops in universities as a Consultant Fellow.
Cherise Saywell was born and raised in Australia. She lives in Edinburgh with her family and is working on her third novel.