A.L. Kennedy on The Book Show – Pin Drop on RTE Radio 1

30 January 2014

We kicked off the New Year with a narration by the multi-talented A L Kennedy, author, comedian, broadcaster, Professor of Creative Writing…it’s almost easier to list the things Alison doesn’t do rather than those she does. Alison read ‘This Man’, from her brilliant new short story collection, All the Rage, to an intimate audience in the Bloomsbury apartment of Pin Drop co-founder, Simon Oldfield. The rooms were filled with works of art from 20th Century masters Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat to contemporary artists Ryan Leigh, Matthew La Croix and Simon Foxall, so that as Alison read, we were able to let our minds be stimulated by both sight and sound.

The evening was recorded by Irish broadcaster RTE who will be featuring Pin Drop as part of their flagship arts programme, The Book Show, presented by Sinead Gleeson. In fact, aside from the stunning narration by Alison, perhaps the most impressive part of the entire evening was watching the RTE producer, Zoe Comyns, manually hold the sound boom for the best part of half-an-hour without a murmur of complaint. That woman has excellent arm muscle control.

Listen to the full programme here.

Our narration was also featured in Canada’s The Globe and Mail in a wonderful piece written by journalist and author Leah McClaren. Leah instantly understood what Pin Drop was about and totally got to the heart of what makes a short story narration so very special. If you have a moment, do read the article here.